Trading Consulteam©️ is a brand of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING.

TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING is the owner of the website www.trading-consulteam.com

Terms and Conditions of Service for the offer and sale of courses on the website owned by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING.

Art. 1. Definitions

For the purposes of this contract, the following will be understood: 1. "Consumer", the natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to and/or not related to an entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out by him or her, or who acts for purposes not included in each of the activities previously carried out mentioned; 2. "Professional", any natural or legal person who acts in the context of his commercial, industrial, artisanal or professional activity, carrying out an act of purchase of the profession carried out and/or related to it; 3. "Customer", the individual, individual, Professional or simple Consumer, who has acquired the Online Training Course according to the information and conditions expressed in this contract and in the descriptive sheet available on the site, which must be understood as an integral part of the contract itself; 4. "Producer", the legal person (Trading Consulteam Internacional S.L.) that created the contents and provides the training service, identifying it with its name, trademark or other distinctive sign; 5. “Product” or also “Course” or even “Service”, the e-learning training path, composed of video courses, audio courses, e-books, images and written texts which, individually or combined, make up a training package on a topic specific for the acquisition of specific information or skills;

6. “Distance contract”: contract concluded between the Manufacturer and the Customer without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, through the exclusive use of one or more means of remote communication; 7. "Site", the website www.trading-consulam.com, or another site exclusively owned by Producer TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (hereinafter TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING); 8. "Platform", the website on which TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING relies to provide its service.

Art. 2. Pre-contractual information

This contract regulates the relationship between the Customer and the Manufacturer for the purchase of products and services provided online pursuant to Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and of Users and other complementary laws and law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce. By accepting the conditions contained herein, the Customer declares to have received and understood, before purchasing the product online, all the information provided by the Manufacturer regarding the main characteristics of the product, the price and payment methods. By signing this contract, the Customer expressly authorizes TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING to use his email address in relation to the activities relating to the contract and to any sending of information on the distance learning services covered by this contract. These general conditions may be modified and/or updated at any time by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, which will communicate them through the usual communication channels of the site.

Art. 3. Object of the contract

The object of this distance contract is the provision, by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING Producer to the Client, of a training course in e-learning mode on technical and economic topics with the use of IT platforms for the correct interpretation of economic graphs and the creation of useful strategies to make the most of market scenarios. All courses have a purely educational function and the topics covered in them are to be understood only as examples and practical cases. The courses held by the Manufacturer are not intended to constitute training or encouragement to invest or make public savings. The Client assumes full responsibility for decisions made on the basis of the information acquired during the courses. The Manufacturer warns that the risk of investing in financial markets and cryptocurrencies can lead to significant losses, even exceeding 100% of the invested capital. By enrolling in the courses, the Customer expressly agrees to relieve the Manufacturer of any liability for any loss or damage they may suffer. Access to the site does not imply an obligation on the part of the Manufacturer to verify the truthfulness, certainty, suitability, integrity and immediacy of the information. In this sense, the company does not guarantee that the content of the site is constantly integrated or updated in real time or that it is 100% error-free.

Art. 4. Conclusion of the contract

This contract is considered finalized when TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (and on its behalf the Operators responsible for receiving the data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship) becomes aware of the Customer's participation in the training offer , expressed through online registration on the platform of the chosen course and is considered completed upon payment of the price. In the case of payment in installments, the same will be considered completed at the time of payment of the first instalment. The Customer, once the registration procedure has been completed and the payment of the corresponding price or the first installment in the case of installment payment, will be able to immediately and instantly access the reserved area where he will find access to the purchased Course and the attached documentation, if applicable. The authentication credentials for the reserved area are strictly personal, as is access to the purchased Courses, therefore their disclosure free of charge or for a fee to third parties is strictly prohibited. The Customer will be directly responsible for safeguarding their access credentials.

Art. 5. Payment of the Price

The Customer must pay the full price of the Course at the time of registration on the platform used for its use, or in the various deadlines agreed directly with TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, if payment is made by bank transfer. The price cannot be paid in installments, unless expressly agreed with TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING. The possibility of payment in installments will always be confirmed by email between TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING and the Client, and it is possible to split only 50% of the price of the Course. In case of payment in installments, the Course will be activated only upon payment of 50% of the total price of the Course. In case of delay in payment, at the agreed deadlines, even for a single instalment, TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING will suspend the provision of the service and therefore access to the platform; If the delay continues for twenty days, access will be disabled and the sums paid as a deposit will be retained. Failure to pay, even partially, within the contractually agreed terms and conditions, of the price of the Course will ipso jure give rise to the termination of the contract due to the Customer's fault and to the consequent compensation for damages, in addition to the payment of any amount due, pursuant to of article 1456 of the civil code.

Art. 6. Copyright protection

All material contained in this site is the property of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING or its licensors and is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. All trademarks, commercial names or distinctive signs relating to the website and the products distributed on it are also the property of the Manufacturer. By entering into this contract, the Customer undertakes not to copy, impersonate, record, modify or distribute the content of this site without the written consent of the company. The Client acknowledges the exclusive ownership of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING on all parts of the site, such as, by way of example, logos, images, texts, course contents: it follows that, in application of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April , which approves the consolidated text of the law on intellectual property, regularizing, clarifying and harmonizing the current legal provisions on the matter. It is absolutely forbidden for third parties to use, reproduce in whole or in part, rework and transmit in any form and by any means, without the prior written authorization of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING. The material may not be copied, distributed, published or otherwise used or exploited without the prior written consent of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING.

The Customer, responsible for the conservation and secrecy of the credentials assigned to him, and owner (as a result of enrollment in the Course) of a personal and non-transferable right to access the reserved area of ​​TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, therefore undertakes not to allow third parties the use and/or display, in any form, of the services, refraining from any act that violates the exclusive rights and property of Trading Consulteam Internacional; as well as to indemnify and hold the Manufacturer harmless from any claim and/or demand arising from the use and/or abuse of third parties. Furthermore, in the event of a security problem or unauthorized use, TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING may suspend the use of the credentials attributed to the Customer. In the event of failure to comply with the aforementioned obligations, the contract will be considered terminated and TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING may take legal action to protect the rights not respected, including compensation for damages suffered.

Art. 7. Provision of the service

The Customer declares to know and accept the hardware and software prerequisites necessary to access the online courses purchased, such as: - The platform on which TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING relies to disseminate its products has been designed to offer students, professionals and everyone potential users maximum compatibility with the most common systems available, understood as the most popular platforms (Mac OS, Windows, Linux) and the main browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari). Hardware and software requirements are minimal and are typically met on a standard home system. To make the most of the available multimedia content and online tutoring services you need to:

• have an Internet connection. For optimal use, an ADSL or fiber optic connection is recommended;

• have one of the main browsers available installed on your machine, updated regularly;

• have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer to view some materials in PDF format. This software is available free of charge at: http://www.adobe.it/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

The Customer also undertakes to adapt its hardware and/or software system, if necessary, following subsequent updates of the platform used by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING.

TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING will have the right to interrupt the provision of the training service contracted by the Customer, giving immediate notice via the Web or by any other means,

if: • there are reasonable grounds to believe that security and/or privacy issues may arise;

• there is a need/opportunity to improve the methods of access to online training courses, increasing their effectiveness.

The aforementioned communication obligations cannot be considered to exist in cases, alternatively considered, of force majeure, necessity or urgency.

Art. 8. Data security and confidentiality

The Customer guarantees that he legitimately has all the information provided to TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING in order to acquire the Course and access the relevant Service, also ensuring that the same does not violate in any way, directly or indirectly, the rights of third parties. The Customer therefore undertakes not to provide data that he cannot freely dispose of. Likewise, the Customer is prohibited from entering false and/or fictitious data in the registration procedure for the Course and in subsequent communications related to the execution of the contract. To this end, the Customer indemnifies TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (and therefore the Operators responsible for receiving the data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship): • from any liability deriving from the issuing of incorrect tax data and documents, being the Customer is solely responsible for the correct introduction of the same; • any obligation and/or burden of direct and indirect verification and control in this regard. In the event that TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, or a third party, verifies that the data provided are false, TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING reserves the right to prevent/suspend the Customer's registration. In case of failure to comply with the prescribed obligations, the contract will be considered legally terminated and TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING will be able to take appropriate legal action in defense of the unknown rights, including compensation for damages suffered.

Art. 9. Limitations of liability of the Manufacturer and obligations of the Customer

The Customer exonerates the Manufacturer TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (and the Operators in charge of training) from any liability in the event of complaints, legal, governmental or administrative actions, losses or damages deriving from the use of the services offered by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING contrary to good faith and/or illicit acts on the part of the Customer himself, third parties connected to him or third parties in general. Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the manufacturer, the Customer expressly exempts TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (and therefore the Operators responsible for receiving the data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship) from any liability for direct or indirect damages:

that the Client himself or third parties may suffer in relation to or as a consequence of the provision of the Training Service, or as a consequence of the interruption of its operation;

that the Customer or third parties may be in any way responsible for the telecommunications network operator's failure to provide connectivity, or for the Customer's use of (non-high-speed) connectivity that is technically incompatible with the Service, as well as for the impossibility of using the Training Course as a result of defects detected by the Customer in its use, if all this is due to the Customer's failure to comply with the minimum system requirements established in the art. 7, whose verification is the responsibility of the Customer; caused by the illicit access of third parties to the Online Training Course, due to negligence on the part of the Customer in safeguarding the login and password assigned to them, or due to the absence of other security measures for which the Customer is responsible. forced to adopt.

The Manufacturer will not be responsible in any case:

due to malfunctions of the Service resulting from failures, overloads, interruptions of telephone lines, electricity or Internet lines;

due to faults of third parties which jeopardize the use of the Service, such as, by way of example, decreases in speed or malfunctions of the telephone lines and computers that manage the telematic traffic between the Customer and the educational platform from which the Service is provided;

any fraudulent and/or improper use of credit cards by the Customer.

It is the Customer's sole responsibility to ensure interoperability between the connectivity it is equipped with and the platform from which the Service is provided. Furthermore, the Manufacturer will not be responsible for failure to comply with its obligations resulting from causes that are not reasonably foreseeable, from impediments beyond its direct and immediate control, or from causes of force majeure. When one of the aforementioned cases of force majeure occurs, TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING will inform the Client through the private community dedicated to students or via Newsletter together with the prospects of regular reactivation of the Service. The Manufacturer will never be responsible for failures resulting from the malfunction of the platform on which the service is based, for problems arising from the platform itself.

The Client undertakes to compensate TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (and on its behalf the operators responsible for receiving the data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship) for all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses (including those legal) those) that the Producer may suffer due to any failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the Customer with the signing of this Contract, and in any case connected to the introduction of information on the site; all this, even in the event of requests for compensation for damages made by third parties for any reason. Finally, the Customer undertakes to indemnify TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING Producer (and on its behalf the Operators responsible for receiving data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship) from any liability in the event of all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses (including legal) that the Producer may suffer following any violation of the obligations undertaken by the Customer with the signing of this Contract, and in any case connected to the introduction of information on the site; all this, even in the event of requests for compensation for damages made by third parties for any reason.

It is specified that TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING (and therefore the Operators responsible for receiving the data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship) does not provide any type of consultancy in relation to the training needs of the Customers, therefore all responsibility relating to the correspondence between the training contents and needs of the Customer are entirely the responsibility of the Customer. The Manufacturer will also not be responsible for Courses purchased incorrectly by the Customer. The information and materials relating to the courses provided are developed, reviewed and updated with accuracy, completeness and adequacy. Finally, the Customer may not transfer any obligation or right deriving from this Contract to third parties without prior written authorization, issued at the sole discretion of the Manufacturer and communicated by the same by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or certified e-mail. In case of failure to comply with the prescribed obligations, the contract will be considered legally terminated and TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING may initiate legal action to protect the unknown rights, including compensation for damages suffered.

Art. 10. withdrawal conditions

The Customer knowingly and expressly agrees to waive any right of withdrawal from this distance contract, the exceptions to the right of withdrawal provided for in Article 103. (m) of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users being applicable. The Customer, in fact, by purchasing this course in e-learning mode, agrees to the provision of digital educational content via non-material support, with the express agreement and acceptance that this circumstance excludes any right of withdrawal. The Customer also undertakes to renounce his right of withdrawal from this service, since the same is made fully accessible and usable by the user by registering on the portal and immediately generating the authentication credentials (username and password).

Art. 11. Legal termination of the contract - Penal clause

All obligations previously assumed by the Customer, as well as the guarantee of successful completion of the payment made by the Customer, are essential and relevant in nature, therefore failure to comply with any of them by the Customer will give rise to the immediate legal termination of the contract. Therefore, the contract will be considered legally terminated in the case of:

failure to pay the price and/or part of it on time and according to the contractual methods established by the art. 5;

failure to comply with the security and confidentiality clause established in article 8;

violation of the Customer's obligations referred to in art.9. In such cases,

the Producer will have the right to retain what has been received up to that point pursuant to the art. 5, in addition to the additional amount of 20% of the price, possibly not yet paid, both amounts as penalties, without prejudice in any case to the right of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING to take legal action for compensation for any resulting consequences damage and older.

Art. 12. Information and consent for the processing of personal data pursuant to organic law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights.

In accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights, EU Regulation 2016/679 and complementary regulations, TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, undertakes to process all personal data acquired in relation to the contract, respecting the confidentiality legislation. In this sense, we provide adequate information, for the purposes of consent, pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and its subsequent amendments and additions. The Customer may exercise the rights provided for by the Privacy Code by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Art. 13. Transfer and Privacy Policy

With the stipulation of this contract the Customer assigns and authorizes the data controller and his collaborators authorized for this purpose, the right to film and/or record, also through authorized third parties, with photographic and phonographic means on digital support or any other current , your image, voice, name, speech and performance during the webinars held in person and/or remotely with the use of specific platforms for the management of this service. TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING will have the right to use and also publish the related videos, images and recordings, in press releases for editorial purposes or disseminated on social networks, on monitors visible to the public during events organized by Trading Consulteam, in any place permitted by law, by any means known or invented in the future, within the limits of the law,10 all copyrights, assigned rights and any other rights relating to the image and in full respect of the dignity and decorum of the subject filmed. As a consequence of the above, TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING is the sole owner of the footage, recordings, interventions and anything else passed through the internet platform used during the web meetings. The installation and use of the images are considered free.

TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING will process your data and contents collected during web meetings, for the purposes inherent to the project, according to the published privacy policy, in full compliance with current regulations. In compliance with the aforementioned legislation, all participants in telematic meetings are prohibited from recording, photographing or disseminating in any form and by any means all or part of the contents that emerged during the virtual meeting, be they images and/or data each connected participant. , also through screenshots of the screens.

Art. 14. Applicable law and competent court

This agreement is governed by American law. For any dispute arising from or relating to the contract, the following will be competent:

a) the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the Customer-Consumer pursuant to Article 29 of the Information Society Services Law;

b) exclusively the Court of the Company headquarters, in any other case.

Art. 15. Condition of guarantee on Consulteam services

TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, as a provider of online trading consultancy services, is committed to guaranteeing the client profitable results generated within a period of six months from the start date of the consultancy process using the acquired method. Definition of results:

The guarantee of obtaining results on the trading account covers exclusively the six months following the start of the consultancy process and refers to the actual closure of profitable operations using the acquired Consulteam Trading method. These results can be achieved both on a real account and on a demo account, which is completely at the discretion of the client. This warranty is subject to the following conditions:

The client must have paid the full amount of the training course.

The duration of the training course is ninety calendar days and must be completed within this period.

The client must complete the entire training course in digital format held by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING.

The client must fully complete the preparatory exercises assigned during the course.

The customer is required to participate punctually and without postponing appointments in all meetings scheduled by the Trading Consulteam. Appointments not attended due to force majeure must be rescheduled in agreement with Trading Consulteam or its representative within the duration of the course itself. The customer must communicate the reason why he did not show up for the appointment. Force majeure is an unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstance that alters the conditions of an obligation. By way of example and not exhaustively, the following are mentioned: catastrophic meteorological phenomena, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, floods, etc.

The client must follow the strategic protocol provided by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING in their demo account.

The client must carry out at least ten transactions in the six-month period on his demo account.

Market placements in demo accounts must be shared and analyzed with the mentor throughout the process.

Guarantee request procedure In the event that the customer believes he is entitled to the execution of the guarantee, he can send a formal request to the email address [email protected] within 7 days following the expiry of the six-month period from the start date of the guarantee . the guarantee. processes. The request must contain clear and extensive documentation demonstrating effective compliance with the conditions set out above. Within 7 days of verification of the documentation and approval of the guarantee, the refund will be recognized and executed by depositing into the account provided by the Client all the investment made to TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING for the start of the current course and therefore only for the training. The guarantee does not cover own funds invested for the Client in the trading account. The application of TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING strategies in a real account and not in a demo account is at the discretion and risk of the client. By accepting the Online Trading consultancy services provided by TC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, the customer declares to have read, understood and accepted the guarantee conditions described above.

Art. 16. Final clauses

The obligations and commitments arising from this contract, which by their nature become effective after expiry, resolution or withdrawal (admitted only within the limits of art. 10 of this contract), will continue to be valid and effective even after that date, until its completion.

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